151 - 6/28/04 - 23:21
Composite image of the topped-out tower.
It isn't a perfect composite.
When the tower is completed, a new composite will be created
using a tripod in order to keep things vertical.
152 - 6/29/04 - 18:15
All the vertical pieces are in place. There were some braces that
needed to be attached to make it complete.
153 - 6/29/04 - 18:15
Complete view of the tower.
OK, the bit at the bottom is hidden by the hill :-)
154 - 6/29/04 - 18:19
These shots are of the crew getting ready to hoist the last two
guy wires into place.
155 - 6/29/04 - 18:21
If you look carefully you can see the guy wire pin in the center
of the photo.
156 - 6/29/04 - 18:22
Three of the riggers that are going up are getting their
belts on.
157 - 6/29/04 - 18:24
Getting ready to attach to the hoist wire.
158 - 6/29/04 - 18:26
Wee... this is better than an E-ticket ride :-).
159 - 6/29/04 - 18:29
While they head on up to go to work, I gotta get back to work.
My lunch hour was long over.
They waved right before this photo, but unfortunately the camera
was storing the previous image on the micro-drive.
160 - 6/29/04 - 22:24
OK, I lied, kinda.
There is 60 more feet of tower sections to be placed on the tower.
But, the three 20' sections aren't permanent.
They are needed in order to get the crane high enough to be able
to lift the antenna sticks into place.
161 - 6/29/04 - 22:29
These photos show the assembly of one of these sections.
162 - 6/29/04 - 22:29
Keep in mind that ALL of the sections had to be assembled.
No section was shipped already assembled;
64 sections in this case, plus two T-bar arms.
163 - 6/29/04 - 22:32
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177 - 6/29/04 - 23:00
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179 - 6/29/04 - 23:03
180 - 6/29/04 - 23:04
Notice that it took about 30 minutes to assemble this one section.
They still have to tighten all of the nuts/bolts,
which will take about another 10-15 minutes.
181 - 6/29/04 - 23:05
This is one of the completely assembled pieces.
Once all three sections are added to the tower,
it will be 1310' tall, or only 140' less than the Sears Tower
(not including the antennas).
182 - 6/30/04 - 17:43
On my way back to work from lunch,
I caught the crew attaching the first of the three guy wires
to its anchor.
183 - 6/30/04 - 17:44
184 - 6/30/04 - 17:46
185 - 6/30/04 - 17:47
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188- 6/30/04 - 17:48
189 - 6/30/04 - 17:49
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193 - 6/30/04 - 17:53
Finally, the nuts are in place.
194 - 6/30/04 - 17:54
On to the next guy wire.
After all of the guy wires were put into place, they were torqued.
After all of the guy wires are in place,
they leveled the tower, i.e., made it perfectly vertical.
They used the same measuring equipment you see used at construction
sites. They used two of them.
The guy wires were torqued to 10k and then backed off to 9.7k.
The value includes the pulley loops.
He didn't say how many loops were used.
195 - 6/30/04 - 22:47
These boxes of antenna parts arrived during lunch.
They were marked for WBUW-15.
WBUW is 57 and WMTV is 15 :-)
196 - 7/01/04 - 16:37
The antennas arrived in the morning.
The one on the left is for channel 57.
The one on the right is the combined 19/32 DTV antenna.
Channel 15's current antenna will be moving.
197 - 7/01/04 - 18:42
View of the towers from the 6th floor of Meriter Hospital's
198 - 7/01/04 - 19:16
The first of the last three sections is hoisted into place.
199 - 7/01/04 - 19:18
It is being swung around.
The views are from the north, facing south.
200 - 7/01/04 - 22:20
The last section is being hoisted into place.
201 - 7/01/04 - 22:21
Closer shot.
- There are up to six riggers working up in the tower.
- The very bottom section is 16' and is one foot AGL.
- The next six sections at the bottom are about 26.667'.
- Each remaining section is 20'.
- The T-bar is 11'.
- Currently scheduled date for antenna sticks to be installed: 8/1/04.
- The antennas will be hoisted into place.
- One of the copper signal feeders will carry channel 15.
The other copper feeder will carry a combined 19 and 32 (DTV).
The waveguide will carry channel 57.
- Original images are 2560x1920 - TIFF (5 Mpixel)
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, they are 3264x2448 - TIFF
(8 Mpixel)
- Enlarged views are 720x540 cuts
- Blowup views are 360x270 cuts enlarged to 720x540
- The EXIF value for the time the shots were taken is CST, not CDT
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, the EXIF value for the time
the shots were taken is GMT