352 - 7/12/04 - 23:40
353 - 7/12/04 - 23:40
354 - 7/12/04 - 23:41
355 - 7/12/04 - 23:41
356 - 7/12/04 - 23:41
357 - 7/13/04 - 00:13
Enlarged view of the location where the digital antenna will go.
This section was installed today.
355 - 7/13/04 - 00:14
Enlarged view of multiple angles.
It may not look like much of a difference, but it is there.
356 - 7/13/04 - 00:16
357 - 7/13/04 - 15:50
Enlarged view.
The digital antenna is now installed.
Noticed one of the crew in the tower.
358 - 7/13/04 - 15:50
Enlarged view.
Again, notice one of the crew in the tower.
359 - 7/13/04 - 17:54
Cropped view, showing the relative position to the T-bar.
360 - 7/13/04 - 18:01
Enlarged view.
Another angle.
361 - 7/13/04 - 22:11
Cropped view.
Nice bright sunlit view.
It was supposed to be stormy at this time.
362 - 7/13/04 - 22:26
Getting the strobe and red lights functional.
Once up on the tower, it will be harder to fix.
363 - 7/14/04 - 21:12
Getting the Ch 57 antenna ready to be hoisted.
364 - 7/14/04 - 21:32
365 - 7/14/04 - 21:55
366 - 7/14/04 - 21:55
367 - 7/14/04 - 21:56
368 - 7/14/04 - 21:57
369 - 7/14/04 - 21:58
Getting the "ball" positioned so that it won't cause problems
while being hoisted.
370 - 7/14/04 - 22:00
371 - 7/14/04 - 22:03
Getting the "ball" positioned so that it won't cause problems
while being hoisted.
372 - 7/14/04 - 22:05
The antenna is on the way.
373 - 7/14/04 - 22:06
374 - 7/14/04 - 22:09
375 - 7/14/04 - 22:11
Cropped view.
376 - 7/14/04 - 22:11
Cropped view.
377 - 7/14/04 - 22:12
Cropped view.
378 - 7/14/04 - 22:13
Cropped view.
379 - 7/14/04 - 22:13
Cropped view.
380 - 7/14/04 - 22:15
Cropped view.
381 - 7/14/04 - 22:16
Cropped view.
382 - 7/14/04 - 22:18
Cropped view.
383 - 7/14/04 - 22:19
Cropped view.
384 - 7/14/04 - 22:19
Cropped view.
The placement begins.
385 - 7/14/04 - 22:21
Cropped view.
386 - 7/14/04 - 22:21
Cropped view.
387 - 7/14/04 - 22:23
Cropped view.
You can see the crew working on the antenna placement.
388 - 7/14/04 - 22:26
Cropped view.
389 - 7/14/04 - 22:30
Cropped view.
390 - 7/14/04 - 22:32
Cropped view.
391 - 7/14/04 - 22:33
Cropped view.
392 - 7/14/04 - 22:48
Cropped view.
393 - 7/14/04 - 22:52
Cropped view.
It is gettig there.
394 - 7/14/04 - 22:53
Cropped view.
395 - 7/14/04 - 22:56
Cropped view.
396 - 7/14/04 - 23:00
Cropped view.
397 - 7/14/04 - 23:04
Cropped view.
398 - 7/14/04 - 23:06
Cropped view.
It is there!
The first T-bar antenna is in place.
399 - 7/14/04 - 23:12
Cropped view.
Now the hoist cable and trolley rope need to be cleared from
the antenna.
You can see one of the crew climbing the antenna.
- There are up to six riggers working up in the tower.
- The very bottom section is 16' and is one foot AGL.
- The next six sections at the bottom are about 26.667'.
- Each remaining section is 20'.
- The T-bar is 11'.
- Currently scheduled date for antenna sticks to be installed: 8/1/04.
- The antennas will be hoisted into place.
- One of the copper signal feeders will carry channel 15.
The other copper feeder will carry a combined 19 and 32 (DTV).
The waveguide will carry channel 57.
- Original images are 2560x1920 - TIFF (5 Mpixel)
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, they are 3264x2448 - TIFF
(8 Mpixel)
- Enlarged views are 720x540 cuts
- Blowup views are 360x270 cuts enlarged to 720x540
- The EXIF value for the time the shots were taken is CST, not CDT
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, the EXIF value for the time
the shots were taken is GMT