100 - 6/22/04 - 18:21
Blowup view of the riggers.
101 - 6/22/04 - 22:34
By quiting time (my quiting time :-),
two more sections have been added.
102 - 6/22/04 - 22:34
Crop of an area where they are doing something.
I have no idea what.
103 - 6/22/04 - 22:36
Beautiful day, lovely shot of the towers.
The old tower is in front of the new tower.
104 - 6/22/04 - 22:37
Working on the side of the tower.
105 - 6/22/04 - 22:37
Blowup view.
106 - 6/22/04 - 23:42
Different side view of the towers.
107 - 6/22/04 - 22:43
Closeup of the newly added sections.
108 - 6/22/04 - 22:43
Enlargement with section number and footage marks.
Add one foot to the values listed.
109 - 6/26/04 - 15:56
Working in beacon light installation.
110 - 6/26/04 - 15:56
Enlarged view of the tower rigger working on the light installation.
111 - 6/26/04 - 22:53
Assembling the middle of section 61.
112 - 6/26/04 - 22:53
The base section.
1133 - 6/26/04 - 22:54
Closer view.
It is hard to believe that the point at the base can support
1250' of tower and accessories.
114 - 6/26/04 - 23:00
Assembling the middle of section 61.
115 - 6/26/04 - 23:00
Some of the beacon lights.
116 - 6/26/04 - 23:02
Beacon lights assembled on the tower.
117 - 6/26/04 - 23:02
Tower light installation.
118 - 6/26/04 - 23:03
Enlarged view.
If you look carefully, you can see the tower rigger on the left.
119 - 6/26/04 - 23:03
More work on section 61.
120 - 6/26/04 - 23:05
Section 61 assembly work.
121 - 6/26/04 - 23:08
Section 61 assembly work.
122 - 6/26/04 - 23:15
Section 61 assembly work.
123 - 6/26/04 - 23:15
The new transmitter building.
124 - 6/26/04 - 23:16
Section 58 is ready to be hoisted into place.
125 - 6/26/04 - 23:17
A very loud vibrating socket attachment is used to tighten the
nuts and bolts.
But it isn't the final tightening sequence.
126 - 6/26/04 - 23:18
One of the last guy wire pivot connection ends.
127 - 6/26/04 - 23:18
The backup generator. This is the location,
even though isn't protected from falling ice:-)
128 - 6/26/04 - 23:22
More nut tightening.
129 - 6/26/04 - 23:30
This is the final nut tightening sequence.
After each one is tightened, it is marked so that it can be
seen that it was tightened.
130 - 6/27/04 - 17:24
Getting ready to be hoisted to the tower.
[Yes, it is out-of-focus and I don't know why.]
131 - 6/27/04 - 17:25
All aboard!
132 - 6/27/04 - 17:25
Up, up and away.
133 - 6/27/04 - 17:26
The placard on the base of the tower.
Tradition has it that a silver dollar is supposed to be placed at
the base of the tower.
In this case, they did not.
But they did put some change in the base,
specifically Arkansas quarters (since most of the guys are from there).
The weight that is listed is for the base that the tower sits on.
KIPS = Kilo Pounds = 1000 pounds
134 - 6/27/04 - 17:28
The finished section 61.
135 - 6/27/04 - 17:28
Getting nearer to the destination.
136 - 6/27/04 - 17:29
If you notice in the other pictures, there is an orange rope
that is used to keep items, and/or tower riggers, away from the
tower as they are being hoisted.
Well, the rope goes through a pulley that is attached to the tree
at the far end of the photo, which is attached to a pulley at the
end of the white flatbed trailer (seen in the background of
the photo, left of the tree that has the other pulley),
which is ultimately attached to the tractor.
137 - 6/27/04 - 17:30
Almost to the tower destination.
138 - 6/27/04 - 17:31
They are there.
More work to be done on the tower lights.
They will be working through the July 4th weekend,
but it is supposed to rain during part of the weekend.
There are no more planned trips home until the job is done.
139 - 6/28/04 - 21:56
The final section, 61, being hoisted into place.
140 - 6/28/04 - 21:57
It will be placed on top of section 60.
141 - 6/28/04 - 22:04
The hoisting continues.
142 - 6/28/04 - 22:06
Almost there.
143 - 6/28/04 - 22:09
Enlarged view. Just a little bit to go.
144 - 6/28/04 - 22:09
Enlarged view. No the swinging into place begins.
145 - 6/28/04 - 22:10
Enlarged view. Almost there.
146 - 6/28/04 - 22:11
Enlarged view. Now it gets lowered into place.
147 - 6/28/04 - 22:12
Enlarged view. The lowering continues.
148 - 6/28/04 - 22:13
Enlarged view. Almost there.
149 - 6/28/04 - 22:17
Enlarged view. The topping is done.
The final guy wires go up tomorrow.
150 - 6/28/04 - 22:17
Enlargement with the latest section and footage numbers.
You'll notice that the footage value that lines up with the top
of the antenna stick on the old tower, doesn't match the height
of the tower as stated by the WMTV chief engineer.
I do not know why it doesn't match.
Add one foot to each value, except for the top, subtract 2 feet.
- There are up to six riggers working up in the tower.
- The very bottom section is 16' and is one foot AGL.
- The next six sections at the bottom are about 26.667'.
- Each remaining section is 20'.
- The T-bar is 11'.
- Currently scheduled date for antenna sticks to be installed: 8/1/04.
- The antennas will be hoisted into place.
- One of the copper signal feeders will carry channel 15.
The other copper feeder will carry a combined 19 and 32 (DTV).
The waveguide will carry channel 57.
- Original images are 2560x1920 - TIFF (5 Mpixel)
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, they are 3264x2448 - TIFF
(8 Mpixel)
- Enlarged views are 720x540 cuts
- Blowup views are 360x270 cuts enlarged to 720x540
- The EXIF value for the time the shots were taken is CST, not CDT
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, the EXIF value for the time
the shots were taken is GMT